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Privacy and Cookie Policy

This policy describes the procedures followed by DPWAY Srl (right away"DPWAY"or the"Holder"or the "Company") in relation to the processing of personal data collected through each website owned by DPWAY or owned by its subsidiaries (hereinafter "Site web").

Unless otherwise indicated, pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR"), this policy also applies as an information note for those who interact with the website (hereinafter"User").

Information on the processing of detailed personal data is provided, where necessary, on the pages relating to the individual services offered through the Website. This information has the purpose of defining the limits and methods of processing personal data of each service, on the basis of which the User can freely express his consent, where necessary, and possibly authorize the collection of data and their subsequent treatment .

Data controller. Responsible for the treatment

The data controller is DPWAY, with registered office in Via Camerata Picena 361, 00138 Rome (Italy), tel. +39 0690205462, email address The updated list of data processors is available at the headquarters of the data controller.

Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer appointed by the Data Controller can be contacted via:

  • ordinary mail, at Via Camerata Picena 361, 00138 Rome (Italy), for the attention of the data protection officer;

  • telephone number +39 0690205462 and/ or e-mail address

Type of data processed

May be collected and processed through the Website:

  • navigation data;

  • personal data provided voluntarily by the User through the forms on the Website.


Cookies are small text files that the websites visited send to the user's terminal, where they are stored and retransmit the user's data to the same websites on the next visit. Cookies allow websites to function properly and effectively to improve the user experience, by allowing the website to store information in the memory of your personal computer or other devices.

The Website uses technical cookies. These cookies, given their technical nature, do not require the prior consent of the User to be installed and used.

In particular, the cookies used on the Website can be traced back to the following sub-categories:

  • navigation or session cookies, which guarantee normal navigation and use of the Website, as well as to collect anonymous information on how many users visit and use it, on their origin and on the other websites they have visited. Since they are not stored on your computer, these cookies are deleted when you close your browser;

  • analytical cookies, such as those used by Google Analytics, with which, through the computer and other devices, statistical information is collected on the number of users of the Website, on the number of clicks made on the page during their navigation, on the website where users came from and the pages they visited;

Our site does not use third-party cookies; our site does not use profiling cookies to provide targeted advertising to users.

The third-party cookies installed on the Website are listed below. For each of them, there is a link to the information relating to the processing of personal data carried out and the methods for disabling the cookies used. As regards third-party cookies, in this policy the Owner is only required to insert the link to the third-party website. However, the latter has the obligation to provide information and indications on how to allow and/or disable cookies.


Cookies can be disabled by the User by checking and/or changing the settings of their browser, according to the instructions made available by the respective providers at the links listed below.

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Internet Explorer

  • MozillaFirefox

  • Google Chrome

  • Apple Safari

  • Opera


Purpose and legal basis of the processing

Personal data collected through the Website will be processed:

a) for the management of requests for information submitted by the User.

The processing of personal data for the purposes referred to in letter a) does not require the User's consent as the processing is necessary to satisfy specific requests of the interested party pursuant to art. 6, par. 1, lit. b) of the GDPR.

Providing data and consequences of not providing it

The provision of personal data for the purposes referred to in letter a) is optional and failure to provide it implies, consequently, the only impossibility for the Data Controller to manage and process requests, to send commercial communications on products and services of the same or to perform the specified tasks.

Recipients or categories of recipients of the data

Personal data may be made accessible, brought to the attention or communicated to the following subjects, who will be appointed, depending on the case, as managers or authorized persons:

  • companies of the group to which the Controller belongs (parent, subsidiary, associated companies), employees and/or collaborators in any capacity of the Controller and/or companies of the group to which the Controller belongs;

  • public or private subjects, natural or legal persons, which the Data Controller uses to carry out activities instrumental to achieving the aforementioned purpose or to which the Data Controller is required to communicate personal data, by virtue of legal or contractual obligations;


In any case, personal data will not be disclosed.

Storage period

The data must be kept for a maximum period of time equal to the limitation period of the rights that can be activated by the Data Controller, as applicable from time to time.

Rights of access, cancellation, limitation and portability of data

Interested parties are entitled to the rights pursuant to art. 15 to 20 of the GDPR. By way of example, any interested party can: (a) obtain confirmation of the processing of personal data concerning him; (b) in the event of ongoing processing, to obtain access to personal data and information relating to the processing and to request a copy of the personal data; (c) rectify inaccurate personal data and complete incomplete personal data; (d) obtain, where one of the conditions referred to in art. 17 of the GDPR is satisfied, the cancellation of personal data concerning him; (e) obtain, in the cases provided for by art. 18 of the GDPR, the limitation of the treatment; (f) receive your personal data in a structured format that is commonly used and machine-readable, and request their transmission to another holder if technically feasible.

Right to object

Each interested party has the right to object at any time to the processing of their personal data carried out in order to pursue a legitimate interest of the Data Controller. In the event of an objection, the personal data will no longer be processed, unless there are legitimate reasons for carrying out the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right in court.

Right to withdraw consent

In the event that consent is required for the processing of personal data, each interested party may, at any time, revoke the consent already given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation.



Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority

Furthermore, any interested party can file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority if they believe that their rights under the GDPR have been violated, according to the procedures indicated on the website of the Personal Data Protection Authority. of personal data accessible at the address:

Updates. This Privacy Policy will be subject to updates. The Data Controller therefore invites Users who wish to know how the personal data collected through the Website will be processed to periodically visit this page.

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  • Cookie di terze parti

Di seguito vengono organizzati in tabella i Cookie di Terze Parti che Il Titolare dei dati personali utilizza all’interno del proprio Sito ma di cui non è titolare:


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L’Utente può gestire in completa autonomia la personalizzazione dei suoi cookie, di seguito vengono individuate le azioni per modificare i cookie in base alla tipologia:

  • Impatto dell'Eliminazione o Blocco dei Cookie sulla Navigazione: L'eliminazione o il blocco dei cookie Essenziali (strettamente Necessari) e Funzionali può incidere sull'esperienza di navigazione dell'utente, con la possibilità di limitare l'accessibilità a determinate sezioni del Sito.

  • Cookie Strettamente Necessari: L'installazione dei cookie strettamente necessari non richiede il consenso preventivo dell'utente e può essere disabilitata in qualsiasi momento attraverso le impostazioni del browser, come specificato nella sezione "Controlli del browser".

  • Cookie Analitici e di Performance, e Cookie di Funzionalità: Per la disabilitazione/abilitazione di questi cookie, si invita l'utente ad utilizzare il link "Manage cookie preferences", come indicato nella sezione "Impostazioni Cookie".

  • Cookie di Profilazione/Targeting: L'installazione e l'uso dei cookie di profilazione/targeting richiedono il consenso esplicito dell'utente, manifestato al primo accesso al Sito tramite il banner sui cookie (cliccando su "Accetto"). Una volta prestato il consenso, l'utente può revocarlo in qualsiasi momento disabilitando l'installazione dei cookie di profilazione attraverso il link "Impostazioni avanzate cookie" nella sezione "Impostazioni" o tramite le impostazioni del browser, come precisato nella sezione "Controlli del browser”. Al momento DPWAY non utilizza alcun Cookie di Profilazione o Targeting ma potranno essere inseriti in futuro.

  • Controlli del Browser:

   La maggior parte dei browser consente all'utente di verificare, cancellare o bloccare i cookie. L'eliminazione di tutti i cookie comporterà la perdita delle impostazioni predefinite. È possibile configurare il browser per accettare, rifiutare o avvertire l'utente riguardo all'invio di un cookie. Si suggerisce di verificare le impostazioni del browser specifico utilizzato per gestire le opzioni sui cookie.

   - Internet Explorer:

   - Edge:

   - Safari:

   - Chrome:

   - Firefox:

   - Opera:


  • Descrizione: Il Sito utilizza "Pulsanti Social" per agevolare agli utenti la condivisione o segnalazione di pagine web. Tali pulsanti conducono a siti di social media di Terze Parti, i quali potrebbero registrare informazioni sulle attività online degli utenti.

  • Rinvio ai Termini e Politiche di Privacy: Gli Utenti sono invitati a consultare attentamente i termini di utilizzo e le politiche sulla privacy dei siti di Terze Parti collegati tramite i pulsanti social. Questo per acquisire una comprensione approfondita del modo in cui le informazioni degli utenti sono impiegate e per comprendere le modalità di revoca dei consensi al loro utilizzo.


Ai fini di un continuo aggiornamento dei Cookie che vengono applicati sul sito di DPWAY, raggiungibile cliccando al seguente link: , secondo criteri di trasparenza e liceità, La Società introduce i caratteri relativi a tale modifica unilaterale:

  • Discrezionalità di Apportare Modifiche:

   DPWAY S.r.l. si riserva il diritto, a propria discrezione, di apportare modifiche o correzioni periodiche alla presente Cookie Policy.


  •  Aggiornamenti e Data di Revisione:

   In occasione di tali modifiche, DPWAY S.r.l. provvederà all'aggiornamento della data di revisione. Le modifiche avranno effetto sull'utente e sul trattamento dei suoi dati personali a partire dalla nuova data indicata.


  • Invito alla Verifica Periodica:

   DPWAY S.r.l. invita pertanto l'utente a verificare periodicamente la presente Cookie Policy. Ciò è finalizzato a garantire che l'utente sia sempre informato sulle modalità di utilizzo dei cookie da parte di DPWAY S.r.l., in conformità alle disposizioni vigenti.

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